Timpurile Verbale In Engleza Pdf Average ratng: 3,6/5 5374 reviews
- Tabel-timpuri-verbale-engleza 1. TIMP FORMA FORMARE EXEMPLU UTILIZARE Prezent Aff. S + vb + (s, es – pers. III, sg) I always go to school in time.
- Timpurile verbelor in engleza - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
- Test timpuri verbale cls.IX, rand 2. 24 martie 2013, 16:02. 0 stele 0 review-uri. Test care cuprinde si un exercitiu de traducere. Nu e foarte simplu.
- Timpurile Verbale Limba Engleza. Limba franceza, Limba rusa, Limba italiana, Limba spaniola Limba engleza, Limba germana Istorie. Limba engleza - Clasa 5 - Manual.
Explicatii generale pentru timpurile verbului in engleza Timp simplu - verbul reprezinta o actiune prezenta, trecuta sau viitoare nelimitata in timp. Timp continuu - verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor care in momentul acela se petrece simultan cu o alta actiune.
Timpurile Verbale In Engleza Pdf Sang
Verbele in englezapot fi studiate si pe www.gramatica-limbii-engleze-online.ro.
In limba engleza, verbele isi formeaza formele de trecut, participiu trecut prin adaugarea sufixului '-ed' la sfarsitul infinitivului. Totusi exista si exceptii. Aceste exceptii se numesc verbe neregulate.
Wondershare watermark remover free download. Mai jos aveti lista verbelor neregulate in limba engleza.
Timpurile Verbale In Engleza Pdf
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to abide | abode / abided | abode / abided / abidden | (a se supune) |
to alight | alit / alighted | alit / alighted | (a aprinde) |
to arise | arose | arisen | (a se ridica) |
to awake | awoke | awoken | (a se trezi) |
to be | was/were | been | (a fi) |
to bear | bore | born / borne | (a naşte) |
to beat | beat | beaten | (a bate) |
to become | became | become | (a deveni) |
to begin | began | begun | (a începe) |
to behold | beheld | beheld | (a zări) |
to bend | bent | bent | (a îndoi) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to bet | bet | bet | (a paria) |
to bid | bade | bidden | (a licita) |
to bid | bid | bid | (a invita) |
to bind | bound | bound | (a lega) |
to bite | bit | bitten | (a muşca) |
to bleed | bled | bled | (a sângera) |
to blow | blew | blown | (a sufla) |
to break | broke | broken | (a sparge) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to breed | bred | bred | (a creşte) |
to bring | brought | brought | (a aduce) |
to broadcast | broadcast / broadcasted | broadcast / broadcasted | (a difuza) |
to build | built | built | (a construi) |
to burn | burnt / burned | burnt / burned | (a arde) |
to burst | burst | burst | (a izbucni) |
to bust | bust | bust | (a da buzna) |
to buy | bought | bought | (a cumpăra) |
to cast | cast | cast | (a arunca) |
to catch | caught | caught | (a prinde) |
to choose | chose | chosen | (a alege) |
to clap | clapped / clapt | clapped / clapt | (a aplauda) |
to cling | clung | clung | (a se agăţa) |
to clothe | clad / clothed | clad / clothed | (a îmbrăca) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to come | came | come | (a veni) |
to cost | cost | cost | (a costa) |
to creep | crept | crept | (a se furişa) |
to cut | cut | cut | (a tăia) |
to dare | dared / durst | dared | (a îndrăzni) |
to deal | dealt | dealt | (a împărţi) |
to dig | dug | dug | (a săpa) |
to dive | dived / dove | dived | (a se scufunda) |
to do | did | done | (a face) |
to draw | drew | drawn | (a desena) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to dream | dreamt / dreamed | dreamt / dreamed | (a visa) |
to drink | drank | drunk | (a bea) |
to drive | drove | driven | (a conduce) |
to dwell | dwelt | dwelt | (a locui) |
to eat | ate | eaten | (a mânca) |
to fall | fell | fallen | (a cădea) |
to feed | fed | fed | (a hrăni) |
to feel | felt | felt | (a simţi) |
to fight | fought | fought | (a lupta) |
to find | found | found | (a găsi) |
to fit | fit / fitted | fit / fitted | (a potrivi) |
to flee | fled | fled | (a fugi) |
to fling | flung | flung | (a arunca) |
to fly | flew | flown | (a zbura) |
to forbid | forbade / forbad | forbidden | (a interzice) |
to forecast | forecast / forecasted | forecast / forecasted | (a prezice) |
to foresee | foresaw | foreseen | (a prevedea) |
to foretell | foretold | foretold | (a prevesti) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to forget | forgot | forgotten | (a uita) |
to forgive | forgave | forgiven | (a ierta) |
to forsake | forsook | forsaken | (a abandona) |
to freeze | froze | frozen | (a îngheţa) |
to frostbite | frostbit | frostbitten | (a degera) |
to get | got | got/gotten | (a lua/ a obtine) |
to give | gave | given | (a da) |
to go | went | gone/been | (a merge) |
to grind | ground | ground | (a măcina) |
to grow | grew | grown | (a creşte) |
to handwrite | handwrote | handwritten | (a scrie cu mâna) |
to hang | hung/hanged | hung/hanged | (a spânzura) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to have | had | had | (a avea) |
to hear | heard | heard | (a auzi) |
to hide | hid | hidden | (a ascunde) |
to hit | hit | hit | (a lovi) |
to hold | held | held | (a ţine) |
to hurt | hurt | hurt | (a durea) |
to input | input / inputted | input / inputted | (a introduce) |
to keep | kept | kept | (a ţine) |
to kneel | knelt / kneeled | knelt / kneeled | (a îngenunchea) |
to knit | knit / knitted | knit / knitted | (a tricota) |
to know | knew | known | (a şti/ a cunoaşte) |
to lay | laid | laid | (a aşeza) |
to lead | led | led | (a conduce) |
to lean | leant / leaned | leant / leaned | (a sprijini) |
to leap | leapt / leaped | leapt / leaped | (a sări) |
to learn | learnt / learned | learnt / learned | (a învăţa) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to leave | left | left | (a pleca) |
to lend | lent | lent | (a împrumuta) |
to let | let | let | (a lăsa) |
to lie | lay | lain | (a minţi) |
to light | lit | lit | (a aprinde) |
to lose | lost | lost | (a pierde) |
to make | made | made | (a face) |
to mean | meant | meant | (a însemna) |
to meet | met | met | (a întâlni) |
to melt | melted | molten / melted | (a topi) |
to mislead | misled | misled | (a induce în eroare) |
to mistake | mistook | mistaken | (a greşi) |
to misunderstand | misunderstood | misunderstood | (a înţelege greşit) |
to mow | mowed | mown | (a cosi) |
to overdraw | overdrew | overdrawn | (a descoperi contul) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to overhear | overheard | overheard | (a auzi fără să vrea) |
to overtake | overtook | overtaken | (a depăşi) |
to pay | paid | paid | (a plăti) |
to prove | proved | proven/proved | (a dovedi) |
to put | put | put | (a pune) |
to quit | quit | quit | (a renunţa) |
to read | read | read | (a citi) |
to rid | rid / ridded | rid / ridded | (a scăpa) |
to ride | rode | ridden | (a călări) |
to ring | rang | rung | (a suna) |
to rise | rose | risen | (a se ridica) |
to rive | rived | riven / rived | (a se despica) |
to run | ran | run | (a alerga) |
to saw | sawed | sawn / sawed | (a tăia cu ferăstrăul) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to say | said | said | (a spune) |
to see | saw | seen | (a vedea) |
to seek | sought | sought | (a căuta) |
to sell | sold | sold | (a vinde) |
to send | sent | sent | (a trimite) |
to set | set | set | (a pune) |
to sew | sewed | sewn / sewed | (a coase) |
to shake | shook | shaken | (a scutura) |
to shave | shaved | shaven / shaved | (a bărbieri) |
to shear | shore / sheared | shorn / sheared | (a tunde) |
to shed | shed | shed | (a vărsa) |
to shine | shone | shone | (a străluci) |
to shoe | shod | shod | (a încălţa) |
to shoot | shot | shot | (a împuşca) |
to show | showed | shown | (a arăta) |
to shrink | shrank | shrunk | (a micşora) |
to shut | shut | shut | (a închide) |
to sing | sang | sung | (a cânta) |
to sink | sank | sunk | (a scufunda) |
to sit | sat | sat | (a sta) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to slay | slew | slain | (a ucide) |
to sleep | slept | slept | (a dormi) |
to slide | slid | slid / slidden | (a aluneca) |
to sling | slung | slung | (a arunca) |
to slink | slunk | slunk | (a se furişa) |
to slit | slit | slit | (a despica) |
to smell | smelt / smelled | smelt / smelled | (a mirosi) |
to sneak | sneaked / snuck | sneaked / snuck | (a se furişa) |
to sow | sowed | sown | (a semăna) |
to speak | spoke | spoken | (a vorbi) |
to speed | sped / speeded | sped / speeded | (a se grăbi) |
to spell | spelt / spelled | spelt / spelled | (a silabisi) |
to spend | spent | spent | (a cheltui) |
to spill | spilt / spilled | spilt / spilled | (a vărsa) |
to spin | span / spun | spun | (a învârti) |
to spit | spat / spit | spat / spit | (a scuipa) |
to split | split | split | (a împărţi) |
to spoil | spoilt / spoiled | spoilt / spoiled | (a răsfăţa) |
to spread | spread | spread | (a împrăştia) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to spring | sprang | sprung | (a izvorî) |
to stand | stood | stood | (a sta în picioare) |
to steal | stole | stolen | (a fura) |
to stick | stuck | stuck | (a înfige) |
to sting | stung | stung | (a înţepa) |
to stink | stank | stunk | (a puţi) |
to stride | strode / strided | stridden | (a umbla) |
to strike | struck | struck / stricken | (a lovi) |
to string | strung | strung | (a lega cu sfoară) |
to strip | stript / stripped | stript / stripped | (a dezbrăca) |
to strive | strove | striven | (a se strădui) |
to swear | swore | sworn | (a înjura) |
to sweat | sweat / sweated | sweat / sweated | (a transpira) |
to sweep | swept / sweeped | swept / sweeped | (a mătura) |
to swell | swelled | swollen | (a se umfla) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to swim | swam | swum | (a înota) |
to swing | swung | swung | (a se legăna) |
to take | took | taken | (a lua) |
to teach | taught | taught | (a preda) |
to tear | tore | torn | (a rupe) |
to tell | told | told | (a spune) |
to think | thought | thought | (a gândi) |
to thrive | throve / thrived | thriven / thrived | (a prospera) |
to throw | threw | thrown | (a arunca) |
to thrust | thrust | thrust | (a izbi) |
to tread | trod | trodden | (a călca) |
to undergo | underwent | undergone | (a îndura) |
to understand | understood | understood | (a înţelege) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to undertake | undertook | undertaken | (a prelua) |
to upset | upset | upset | (a supăra) |
to vex | vext / vexed | vext / vexed | (a necăji) |
to wake | woke | woken | (a trezi) |
to wear | wore | worn | (a purta) |
to weave | wove | woven | (a ţese) |
to wed | wed / wedded | wed / wedded | (a căsători) |
to weep | wept | wept | (a plânge) |
to wend | wended / went | wended / went | (a se îndrepta) |
to wet | wet / wetted | wet / wetted | (a uda) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to win | won | won | (a câştiga) |
to wind | wound | wound | (a întoarce) |
to withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn | (a retrage) |
to withhold | withheld | withheld | (a reţine) |
to withstand | withstood | withstood | (a rezista) |
to wring | wrung | wrung | (a răsuci) |
to write | wrote | written | (a scrie) |